The preschool has an “open door” philosophy and welcomes parental participation. Being part of our preschool is a great way to get to know other families and to build a community.

As a community-based not-for-profit preschool, it is vital that parents are involved in the management and day to day support of the preschool.

It is this excellent working partnership between staff and parents that enables our preschool to provide the environment needed for the children to experience early childhood learning in a centre of excellence.

There are many ways that we welcome your involvement.

  • Be part of the Executive Management Committee who with the preschool Director manages the preschool. They make the big decisions about budgets and fees and also ensures the preschool’s legal, financial and accountability obligations are met.
  • Join the fundraising Auxiliary Committee who organises our preschool events and social activities for our preschool community.
  • Share your skills and interests with the children – in the past some parents have baked with the children, played a musical instrument, taught the children how to use clay, gardened with a group of children etc. etc.
  • Coming in to play for the morning.
  • Coming to preschool events and helping out when needed, attend parent morning teas, parent workshops and social events.
  • Giving feedback about the program both formally through surveys and informally in person.
  • Helping out at working bees.
Being on the management committee of our wonderful little community preschool is a privilege with benefits. It’s a chance to contribute to the running of an outstanding local preschool which has serviced the families of the lower Blue Mountains for the last 50 years. In an era where profits drive everything, you can help maintain a place where children are genuinely regarded as more precious than profit. It is an opportunity to be actively involved in your own child’s early education and shape the future of our treasured preschool. It may be an opportunity to reawaken skills that have been underutilised in recent years. It stimulates new learning, thinking, debating and advocating which ensures that our service continues to cater for a diverse range of children.
I have loved being on the Committee for the last 3 years. It has been challenging, informative, fascinating and actually quite fun!
– Claire Johnston-Hall, President 2014-2015